REthinking Waste – From Recycling to Resources in Ōtepoti

Thursday at 6pm (Fortnightly) / Following Saturday at 9:30am

Rethinking Waste Podcast Image

Join your hosts Leisa de Klerk and Rob Riddell Tigeir for a fortnightly podcast featuring local minimisation legends and helpful hacks on reducing, reusing, repurposing, repairing, reclaiming and recycling.

Contact the REthinking Waste podcast team at

Thanks to the DCC’s Waste and Environmental Solutions team for their support.
Community and household waste minimisation – Dunedin City Council

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REthinking Waste Team in Studio. Tess, Rowan, Leisa and Rob

Meet Your Hosts

Tess Trotter, Rowan Cooke, Leisa de Klerk and Rob Riddel Tigeir