The BBC World Service is the world’s largest international broadcaster, broadcasting news, speech and discussions in 29 languages to many parts of the world on analogue and digital shortwave platforms, internet streaming, podcasting, satellite, FM and MW relays. The English language service broadcasts 24 hours a day.
Methodist Mission Southern’s vision is of a safe, caring, and sustainable society where every citizen is valued and respected, and enjoys an equal opportunity to lead a fulfilled life.
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All the latest on what’s happening in Dunedin, interviews with people making a difference in your community, regular feature segments and some great music.
A podcast featuring local minimisation legends and helpful hacks on reducing, reusing, repurposing, repairing, reclaiming and recycling.
A look at different topics pertaining to peace, taking positive steps towards a better, kinder future for Papatūānuku, and for all who live here.