The Dunedin Community Noticeboard is broadcast three times every day on OAR 105.4FM and 1575AM in Ōtepoti Dunedin – 9:26 AM, 12:56 PM, and 6:56 PM
Conversations with WellSouth, your local primary health organisation for Otago and Southland.
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A podcast featuring local minimisation legends and helpful hacks on reducing, reusing, repurposing, repairing, reclaiming and recycling.
A podcast where inclusiveness meets insight. This is more than just kōrero – it’s a platform for kotahitanga (unity), whakamaramatanga (understanding) and matauranga (shared knowledge).
A look at different topics pertaining to peace, taking positive steps towards a better, kinder future for Papatūānuku, and for all who live here.